APPG Inquiry: Call for written evidence

The APPG on the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development has launched a new inquiry today with a call for evidence on the UK’s overall progress on aligning the climate and SDG agendas, as well as examples of any policies and measures that already exist which can simultaneously advance both.

Covid-19 has further exacerbated the vulnerabilities of both people and planet and while the immediate response to the pandemic has justifiably captured the attention and resources of countries, other priorities need urgent attention. High on this list is coping with the climate emergency by moving towards zero emissions and adapting to the changes that are already occurring. At the same time, the world community must act to address world hunger, eliminate poverty and achieve the rest of the demanding SDGs ensuring that no one is left behind. 

It is imperative leaders recognise the interconnection between the drivers of – and solutions to – poverty and inequality, climate change, and environmental degradation.  The report aims to inform and convince national policy-makers across the world that numerous policies and measures already exist that simultaneously advance both climate goals and the SDGs. Therefore, during the current economic-downturn, it is possible to save resources by scaling up and widely applying these policies and measures, particularly to ensure that “no one is left behind”.

The APPG is working in partnership with the Sussex Sustainability Research Programme (SSRP) to run the inquiry and prepare the report. We are looking to take evidence from stakeholders such as ministers, civil servants, NGOs, development and environmental practitioners, and civil society. We are especially keen to hear from relevant communities themselves, particularly from countries in the Global South where the UK has an impact. The consultation will close on 18th June 2021.

The report will be launched in October ahead of this year’s Glasgow Climate Conference of Parties (COP26) and will be oriented towards delegates to the COP. The intended outcome is to motivate delegates to take steps to align the climate policies in their country/organisation more closely with the SDGs. The report will put special emphasis on policies and measures that fit with the themes of COP26.

Individuals and organisations are invited to submit their responses to the key lines of inquiry:

  1. What experience is there of building synergies between climate goals and SDGs? Please include practical actions and case studies where possible, including examples of benefits arising from connecting across policy processes.

  2. What progress has the UK government made in aligning the climate and SDG agendas, either in the UK or internationally?

  3. When designing and implementing policies to meet climate goals and SDGs, what actions should be taken to uphold the SDG principle of ‘leave no-one behind’?  (For example, engaging with local stakeholders; guaranteeing gender equity; etc.). Please provide examples / case studies if possible.

  4. What are the barriers to achieving synergies among climate goals and SDGs? What incentives and resources are needed to overcome these barriers / strengthen opportunities for building synergies, and at what level (local, national, global), and for which stakeholders?

  5. What role do non-government UK stakeholders (e.g. civil society, multinationals, trade unions, etc) have in ensuring equitable implementation of joint climate and SDG agendas, in the UK and internationally?

For more information see the inquiry page on our website here or contact


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