APPG Inquiry: Call for written evidence
The APPG on the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development has launched a new inquiry today with a call for evidence on the UK’s overall progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The inquiry will focus primarily on the UK government’s international role but is also accepting evidence on domestic progress and on the international role of the private sector and NGOs.
In the last few months we have seen the rise of the global pandemic, Covid-19, presenting a significant threat to the success of the SDG agenda. The inquiry will investigate the impact (or potential impact) of Covid-19 on the achievement of the SDGs and are looking for recommendations to ensure these goals are at the centre of recovery efforts in 2020 and beyond.
Co-Chairs of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development Lord Jack McConnell and Theo Clarke MP said:
“This Inquiry has been set up by the APPG for the UN Global Goals to investigate and evaluate the impact of Covid-19 on the Sustainable Development Goals at this crucial point in their delivery. We must all work together to take action in the final decade of Agenda 2030, and this Inquiry will help promote discussion and facilitate action to ensure no one is left behind. We look forward to receiving evidence from many sources to ensure our recommendations are relevant and timely.”
The APPG is looking to gather written and oral evidence from ministers, civil servants and other key stakeholders. We are keen to hear from relevant communities themselves, particularly from countries where the UK funds significant international development programmes.
The consultation will close on 3rd July 2020. This will be followed by parliamentary hearings and roundtables, and the report will be released to coincide with the United Nations General Assembly in September 2020.
Individuals and organisations can submit their responses online to the key lines of inquiry:
What progress has the UK government made in delivering commitments from its first Voluntary National Review, either in the UK or internationally? What are the most pressing gaps and what should be done to address these?
How could the UK better support the achievement of the SDGs in other countries, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and fragile and conflict affected states (FCAS), whether through aid or other foreign policy measures? To which countries, communities or sectors should the UK be directing greater attention and in what way?
What role do other UK stakeholders (e.g. civil society, multinationals, trade unions, etc) have in delivery of the goals internationally and in supporting the UK government to meet its commitments?
What are the most significant impacts that the Covid-19 pandemic is having on the achievement of the SDGs? What are the principle risks and where is it most essential to protect existing progress?
Which SDGs is UK government prioritising in its national and global response to Covid-19? What role could the SDGs play in sustainable recovery and efforts to ‘build back better’?
What issues should the UK prioritise at international moments, such as the September 2020 UN SDG Summit?
For more information see the inquiry page on our website here or contact